2025 Season Information
Playing Time & Fields
Typical playing times by age / gender
4-5 year-old co-ed
Tuesday / Thursday @ Pioneer
5:45/7:00 PM
6-7 year-old co-ed
Monday / Wednesday @ Pioneer
5:45/7:00 PM
8-9 year-old co-ed
Tuesday / Thursday @ Ft Howard
5:30/7:00 PM
U12 ( 10-11 year-old boys* )
Monday through Thursday
5:30/7:00 PM
U12 ( 10-11 yr-old girls* )
Monday through Thursday
5:30/7:00 PM
U15 ( 12-13 year-old boys* )
Monday through Thursday
5:30/7:00/8:30 PM
U15 (12-14-year-old girls* )
Monday through Thursday
5:30/7:00 PM
U15 ( 14-15 yr-old boys* )
Monday through Thursday
5:30/7:00 PM
U19 ( 16-18-year-old boys* )
Monday through Thursday
5:30/7:00/8:30 PM
U19 ( 15-18-year old girls* )
Monday through Thursday
5:30/7:00/8:30 PM
*Games are played with other teams from Brown County. The night of games is determined by the county schedule and by field availability
Draft & Team Notifications
AYSA Bilind Draft
Teams are determined by a blind draft held in March or April. The players are selected randomly from a player “pool.”
The draft will be conducted by the Soccer Board and an independent official. You are welcome to observe the process. Please contact a board member if you would like to observe.
A “blind draft” is conducted, where names for an age group are computer randomized. If the age group is co-ed, the teams are mixed as evenly as possible with boys and girls as well as ages. Some consideration is given to experienced vs. non-experienced players so that every team starts on equal footing. Children of coaches and assistant coaches are placed on their parent’s team. This is to prevent scheduling problems in families and as an incentive for parents to coach. Without coaches, there are no teams.
Coaches will notify their players in late April or early May as to when practices will begin.
Forms & Publications
Code of Ethics forms
These codes are all based on the National Soccer Association for Youth (SAY) rules.
Team & Individual Photos
Team and Individual pictures will be taken during the season. The coach for your child’s team will notify you of the date and location for the pictures. Payment will Will be made online, you will receive a QR code the day of the pictures and will be able to order online. Pictures are optional.